Whelping pads or BioMat Mini: which is best for your pregnant dog?

Which mat is best for your pregnant dogIf your dog is having puppies—whether it’s her first litter or not—you want to make sure the experience is as comfortable as possible. There is so much to think about: nutrition, exercise, visits to the vet, and of course, the whelping bed (or whelping box, as it’s sometimes called).

It’s very important that your dog feel safe and at ease in her whelping bed. It’s her safe haven during the birthing process and for those first critical days when she must provide care for her newly whelped puppies.


National Cancer Survivors Day

National Cancer Survivors DayThis Sunday, June 5 is the 24th annual National Cancer Survivor Day, and BioMat.com invites you to join us in celebration and acknowledgement of this very important day.

National Cancer Survivors Day is a celebration of life that’s usually held on the first Sunday in June. People all across the United States, Canada and other participating countries unite on this day to show the world that life after a cancer diagnosis can still be full of hope and meaning.


Healthy, glowing skin in time for spring

Glowing SkinSpring has arrived, and it’s time to shed those layers and expose some skin! Is your skin in top condition and ready to withstand all the extra attention? If it’s looking tired and sallow after a long, hard winter, don’t despair. Here are some tips for getting a healthy, all-over glow:

Eat your veggies: A recent study suggests that eating lots of carotenoid fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, tomatoes, figs and cranberries, gives your skin a sunny, healthy glow that is more appealing than a suntan. The study had people rate the two types of facial color, and found that most people preferred the color created by a healthy diet than that created by tanning. Carotenoids are powerful antioxidants that boost your immune function and help your body fight off disease and deterioration.


Grow your practice, increase client satisfaction with the BioMat

Grow your practiceWhether you’re a spa owner, a yoga instructor, or an alternative health practitioner, introducing the BioMat into your service offerings can transform your practice.

Reiki practitioners, acupuncturists, chiropractors, naturopaths, massage therapists and many others are using the BioMat to deliver powerful, holistic, and noninvasive healing to their clientele. With the popularity and awareness of the BioMat’s far infrared ray and negative ion therapy growing rapidly, an investment in this remarkable technology will pay back manifold in increased revenue, improved client satisfaction and an expanding client base.


Better health, longer life for your AND your pet

BioMat for PetsYour pet is helping to improve and extend your life—shouldn’t you return the favor?

For some time now, experts have been in agreement over the beneficial effects of pet ownership on human health. According to studies having a pet can help to lift mild to moderate depression, improve your sleep quality and improve your overall health. Your pet can also help to lower your blood pressure and boost immunity.

Since your pet does such a great job of taking care of you, it’s only fair that you should take their good health to heart. After all, you want to make sure that you and your pet enjoy many long years of happiness and companionship together!


Give yourself (and the planet) a gift this Earth Day

earth dayHappy Earth Day! For more than 40 years, April 22 has been marked on the calendar as a day in which we can all take a moment to celebrate the earth and renew our commitment to preserving it for future generations.

This Earth Day, give yourself and the planet a valuable gift—stop buying bottled water!

It may not seem like a very important act, but discarded plastic bottles are clogging the land and the sea all over the world. By switching to a water filtration system instead of buying water in bottles, you can make a big difference to your own health and the health of the planet.


Can you relieve heartburn without meds?

HeartburnHeartburn is a very common condition , with one in 10 Americans experiencing heartburn symptoms at least once a week.  It can be brought on by a number of different factors, including stress, obesity, pregnancy, being a smoker and eating certain foods.  Symptoms of Heartburn can be described as a burning sensation in the chest which may radiate to the throat or jaw.

Many people with heartburn turn immediately to medication for relief of their symptoms, but often lifestyle changes are just as effective, and reduce the risk of side effects from prescriptions or over-the-counter drugs.  These side effects can include infections, pneumonia and even increased risk of bone fractures.  In fact, some experts say that 60 to 70 percent of people taking heartburn drugs probably don’t need them, or could see just as much benefit from simple lifestyle changes.

Six quick ways to boost your energy in the morning

5 ways to Boost EnergyIf you struggle to get up and get moving in the mornings, you’re not alone.  Hard statistics are hard to come by, but early birds are definitely in the minority.  Most of us have to fight to keep our eyes open, shake off the night’s sleepiness and embrace the day with vitality.

You may never learn to love rising with the sun, but there are things you can do to improve your mornings.  Here are five tips for making the a.m. a little less painful:

Fibromyalgia: the mysterious disease that targets women

FibromyalgiaAlthough more than 12 million Americans suffer from fibromyalgia, surprisingly little is known about the disease.  There is no definitive test and no known cure.

Even more inexplicable is the fact that it targets far more women than men: women are 10 times more likely to develop fibromyalgia.

Usually, a diagnosis of fibromyalgia is made only after all other causes are eliminated, making it a “diagnosis by default.”  Symptoms may include anxiety or depression, sleep disturbance, fatigue and pains in the joints, muscles and skin.  These symptoms can become so extreme that it affects the person’s relationships and their ability to hold down a job or even take care of themselves.

The two most challenging resolutions—and how to succeed in overcoming them

Sticking to 2011 ResolutionsWhat were your resolutions for this year?  If you’re like most people, slimming down, butting out and getting healthier in general were at the top of your list at the beginning of year.  Fast forward to now and ask yourself if these are resolutions that have been put on the back burner?  When it comes to weight loss, 95 percent of people have gained back the weight they lost within five years, and people who try to quit smoking don’t fare much better: 75 percent start smoking again.

These relapse rates tell us that losing weight and overcoming a nicotine addiction are two of the most difficult goals to achieve.  But that doesn’t mean they’re not worthwhile.  Being able to keep just one of these two resolutions can transform your appearance, overall health and quality of life.

Fortunately, your chances of keeping weight off and staying smoke-free now and forever are much better in 2011, thanks to new technologies designed to prime your body and mind for success:

Is it time for a “stress intervention”?

stress awareness monthApril is Stress Management Awareness Month, which means it’s the perfect time to take a moment to assess the effects that stress may be having on your life.

Many of us continue to underestimate these effects, and we refuse to make the connection between our levels of stress and the work, relationship and health issues that we just can’t seem to resolve.

Essentially, we are in complete denial.

Yet we are staring in the face of an epidemic. A full 80 percent of us feel stress on the job, for instance, and this has a direct effect on our health: 75-90 percent of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress related problems!


Is there a link between autism and pollution?

Autism and PollutionApril is National Autism Awareness Month, and despite an increasing number of children being diagnosed with this mysterious and often devastating disease, medical science is still unable to pinpoint its root causes.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of reported cases of autism increased by 57 percent in just four years (from 2002 to 2006). Today, one in every 110 children is diagnosed with the disorder.

Most scientists agree that genes are one of the risk factors for autism, and there is also some evidence that certain prescription drugs, taken during pregnancy, could also increase risk for the unborn baby.

However, new autism research suggests that environmental toxicity could also be a cause.

BioMat for Your Home Yoga Practice

BioMat for YogaAs a yoga student, you already have a commitment to healthy living, deep breathing and taking care of yourselves and the planet. You probably know that yoga means “union” – union of mind, body and breath, as well as union of your home life with your yoga practice.

If you wish to expand or advance your home yoga practice, the uniquely formulated BioMat will take you to another level of blissful breath and movement.  And that’s just for starters – the BioMat can also help improve your overall health, reduce stress and allow you to go even deeper into postures.

Using a special type of energetic technology that combines infrared rays, ion therapy and more, the patented BioMat system was developed by a multidisciplinary team of professionals to treat a variety of conditions and create better health – now – is why it’s so ideal for a home yoga practice. You can use it anytime, anywhere – whenever you’re ready to slow down, breathe and create that union.

BioMat for Yoga Studios

BioMat for yoga yoga studioBetter health. Less stress. Convenient use. A whole new way to practice yoga and market your studio. The BioMat will take your yoga practice – and your overall health and wellness – to a brand-new level of bliss.

Even more, when your studio adds BioMats to your prop closet, you can generate new business, delight your current yoga students, and offer a new and effective form of private lessons for students of all levels.

Using a special type of energetic technology that combines infrared rays, ion therapy and more, the patented BioMat system was developed by a multidisciplinary team of professionals to treat a variety of conditions and create better health – now.


Water Sustains All Life – Alkal-Life Water Purification System

As you know, water sustains all life. Approximately 70-80% of our body is water. Water adjusts the body’s temperature and assists in digestion. It removes toxins from the body and also makes necessary bodily fluids. The qualities and the properties of the water we drink can determine the quality of our health.  By now you have no doubt heard about all the toxic metals that are in untreated water. So you know how important it is to look after your health in any way you can. The best most effective way to protect your health is disease prevention, not waiting until you already have a health problem.


Cancer-causing chemical found in 89 percent of cities sampled!

We have had a lot of inquiries lately about whether the Alkal-Life Water System after all of the news surrounding the findings of recent water tests. For those of you that have not heard the news, below is an article from the Environmental Working Group Organization.

Cancer-causing chemical found in 89 percent of cities sampled

Laboratory tests commissioned by Environmental Working Group have detected hexavalent chromium, the carcinogenic “Erin Brockovich chemical,” in tap water from 31 of 35 American cities. The highest levels were in Norman, Okla.; Honolulu, Hawaii; and Riverside, Calif. In all, water samples from 25 cities contained the toxic metal at concentrations above the safe maximum recently proposed by California regulators.

The National Toxicology Program has concluded that hexavalent chromium (also called chromium-6) in drinking water shows “clear evidence of carcinogenic activity” in laboratory animals, increasing the risk of gastrointestinal tumors. In September 2010, a draft toxicological review by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) similarly found that hexavalent chromium in tap water is “likely to be carcinogenic to humans.”


How to lighten up the “winter blues”

seasonal effect disorderMany people simply accept that the winter months inevitably bring on darker moods, lethargy and weight gain.  Like hibernating bears, they curl up indoors and wait until the lighter days and warmer temperatures of spring rekindle their energy and interest in life.

However, there is no reason to suffer through months of low energy and depression any more.  Mood swings that correspond to the seasons, known in the medical community as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or seasonal depression, are now an accepted medical condition with an array of proven treatment options.


Heavy consequences for heavy metal pollution

Heavy Metal PollutionOur modern world couldn’t survive without metal.  It forms the backbone of our buildings, our vehicles, our transportation and defense systems.  It even shows up in our teeth when we need dental work.

But a certain type of metal is highly toxic to humans, and we need to do everything we can to minimize our exposure to it.  Heavy metals earned their name because of their high molecular weights, which makes them denser and heavier than other metals.  Examples of heavy metals are arsenic, chromium, cadmium, copper, lead and mercury.

When ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin, these heavy metals can (more…)

Energy Healing – Looking beyond the physical realm for complete health

Energy HealingBecause Western healing techniques focus almost exclusively on the physical body, it’s easy to forget that healthy human beings are made up of physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual elements. There is a rich tradition among many cultures of pursuing better health by working at the level of energy itself.

Energy healing has a long and venerable history in many different parts of the world.  In India, for instance, Ayurvedic medicine has elements of energy healing, in Japan there is Reiki, and in China, Qi Gong.  Native Americans and Peruvian Indians also have strong energy healing traditions.  All over the globe, people have recognized the importance of shifting, channeling and opening pathways of energy to realign minds, bodies and spirits.

The two most challenging resolutions—and how to succeed in keeping them

New Year's ResolutionsWhat are your resolutions this year?  If you’re like most people, slimming down and butting out are at the top of your list.

And these are also likely to be resolutions you’ve made before and failed to keep.  When it comes to weight loss, 95 percent of people have gained back the weight they lost within five years, and people who try to quit smoking don’t fare much better: 75 percent start smoking again.

Hands, feet and Reflexology: the gateways to total-body health

Reflexology on hands and feetOur hands and feet are incredibly complex nerve zones that connect throughout our bodies.  There are 7,200 nerve endings in your feet, and a staggering 1,300 nerve endings per square inch in your hands.

Reflexology is one of the only healing disciplines to focus entirely on the ability of the hands and feet to control and regulate physical processes throughout the body.  By placing pressure on various areas of the hands and feet, the reflexologist sends healing signals to various parts of the body.


Far Infrared Ray Technologies Stimulate Permanent Weight Loss

Can diet alone effect a permanent weight loss for most people? Despite the fact that a dozen new diet books hit the shelves every week, the consensus among health professionals is that changing your diet won’t change your body. This is because diet is just one element that affects your body’s overall chemistry and metabolic function.

In order to change the shape of your body permanently, you need to address the root causes of obesity and overweight. New technologies allow you to effect systemic change in your body, instead of attempting to change your shape through eating habits alone. (more…)

The “Shocking” Truth About Cellular Health – Heat Shock Protein

Studies have shown that the application of targeted, penetrative heat to the human body can stimulate a wide range of beneficial outcomes, including a strengthened immune system, stress relief and even cancer management. How can something as elemental as heat play such a central role in better health? (more…)

Amethyst: the history, myth and science behind a remarkable stone

History Of The Amethyst StoneAmethyst has held a place of honor in many cultures as a protector of health and wellness.  Almost from the beginning of time, people from different cultures the world over have been deeply attracted to this gemstone, and have attributed to it remarkably similar powers of energy and purification.

Amethyst was regarded as a powerful precious stone by the ancient Egyptians, whose soldiers wore it for protection in battle.  Wealthy ancient Greeks and Romans drank from amethyst goblets because they believed the stone prevented intoxication, and in fact the word “amethyst” is derived from the ancient Greek word “a-methustos,” or “not intoxicated.”  Ancient Chinese medicine prescribed ground amethyst to alleviate both physical pain and troubled mental states.  In the Middle Ages, Europeans believed that amethyst healed the body and soothed anger and anxiety.

The ABCs of catching ZZZs

Chronic Sleep DisorderIf you have trouble getting a good night’s rest, you’re not alone.  An estimated 50 million to 70 million Americans suffer from a chronic sleep disorder.  Insomnia is the most common sleep complaint, affecting about 30 percent of adults.

Sleep is critical to good health. The effects of inadequate sleep range include impaired cognitive function and reduced resilience to stressful situations.  Lack of sleep can even contribute to diseases such as depression, heart disease and hypertension!

So what can you do to ensure a better night’s sleep?  Here are some tips:


Those little aches and pains—what ARE they?

What are those little aches and pains?No matter how healthy we are, or how carefully we take care of ourselves, we all experience nagging aches and pains at some point in our lives.  Sometimes we know why we’re hurting—we got too competitive in a game of softball or we picked up a heavy object without bending our knees.  But sometimes these areas of pain are a mystery.

Today on the blog, we’ll take a quick look at some little-known causes of aches and pains.

Alkal-Life ionized water or detox drinks?

Alkal-Life Ionized WaterWhich is a more effective way to lose weight and boost your health and vitality?  Will you see greater benefits with Alkal-Life ionized water or with one of the many detox drinks available at health food stores and groceries?

There are dozens, if not hundreds of different liquid detox remedies on the market, and they all contain some combination of minerals, synthetic or natural nutrients and herbal ingredients.

The popularity of these drinks continues to grow as people look for quick ways to lose weight and improve their health and vitality.  But how effective are they at helping people lose weight and keep it off?

Far Infrared Ray Technologies Stimulate Weight Loss

Can diet alone effect a permanent weight loss for most people?  Despite the fact that a dozen new diet books hit the shelves every week, the consensus among health professionals is that changing your diet won’t change your body.  This is because diet is just one element that affects your body’s overall chemistry and metabolic function.

In order to change the shape of your body, you need to address the root causes of obesity and overweight.  New technologies allow you to effect systemic change in your body, instead of attempting to change your shape through eating habits alone.

Read full article…

Relaxation: How the mind heals the body

Relaxation - Face MassageMainstream science has finally caught on to the profound effects that stress can have on our physical health.  For hundreds of years, alternative and traditional medical practitioners have incorporated relaxation techniques into their treatments, but modern medicine stubbornly kept the mind and the body separate.

Today, of course, the effects of stress on everything from allergies to diabetes have been documented.  Stress can depress the immune system, making your body vulnerable to illnesses and infections, and it also increases inflammation, putting stress sufferers at higher risk of developing heart disease and even neurodegenerative diseases like multiple sclerosis.

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